In today’s fast paced digital world businesses know that to be successful you need a presence on the web. Many business owners have great websites constructed and then are often left frustrated that they are not seeing any significant benefit from doing so. So the real question is, If you build it will they come?
The answer is multidimensional and is not so cut and dry. There are many factors involved in a website besides just having one built. A website like any other aspect of a business has to have exposure. If nobody knows that you have a website why would they visit it?
Here are some tips on how to let people know about your website.
- Advertise your website as you would any other aspect of your business.(print media, TV, radio, and of course online)
- Build excitement about your new website before it goes live.
- Tell your friends and customers, word of mouth is powerful.
- Use social media to compliment your website (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc…)
- Create a signature for your email that includes your website.
- Add your website to any relevant online business listings.
- Have a quality content with good SEO.
- Include a link on your business cards.
Remember building a website is only part of the equation, to get the full benefit of having a web presence there are many factors involved, but the first is always getting people to your website.
So when you ask yourself, “if you build it will they come?” The answer is yes, but only if it is done with the big picture in mind.