
Leveraging LinkedIn Showcase Pages

Vicarious Multimedia creates content & manages showcase pages for clients. So, what are LinkedIn Showcase Pages? These are niche pages that derive from a company page that provide an opportunity to promote specific products or services, or communicate [...]

By |2020-01-02T07:32:13-06:00January 1st, 2020|Categories: Branding, Illuminations Blog, Social Media|Tags: , |Comments Off on Leveraging LinkedIn Showcase Pages

The Anatomy of a Brand…VM Reveals What’s Behind Ours…

Choosing a name and imagery that represents a company’s or organization’s brand must be both a thoughtful, and strategic endeavor. Names/words, imagery, themes and even color are an introduction (or re-introduction) to your target market…aka, your world – which can [...]

By |2020-01-01T21:00:18-06:00December 30th, 2019|Categories: Advice, Branding, Illuminations Blog|Comments Off on The Anatomy of a Brand…VM Reveals What’s Behind Ours…
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